Derivation of the Kalman filter - a linear algebraic approach.
This video is part of a course I gave at the #RepsolTechLab where the equations of the filter were derived using some beautiful results from linear algebra: the Schur's lemma, the Sherman--Morrison--Woodbury formula and the Gauss--Markov theorem.
Unsupervised learning for reconstruction and deblending of seismic aquisition data.
Invited talk at the J on the Beach 2022 (data science track; #jotb22 ). Here I summarize the work done on self-supervised deep learning methods for seismic data deblening and seismic data interpolation published in the IEEE TNNLS and IEEE TGRS, respectively.
Conferencia General de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 2022.
Invited talk at the General Conference that took place at the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences (RAC) on 1-June-2022. I am grateful to Prof. Pilar Bayer Isant and RAC for the invitation.
Jornadas de Orientación hacia la vida profesional 2024 - Área Ciencia y Tecnología.
Invited talk at the career orientation session organized by the Majadahonda City Hall. I believe that the seeds of curiosity and STEM career orientation has be planted early in life and I am grateful to Raquel Monedero Lázaro (education and youth councilor) and José María Macías Granero for the invitation.