- 0000-0002-4031-8457
- ResearcherID
- C-3012-2013
- Google Scholar
- @PNadukandi
- GitHub
- nadukandi
Advanced Mathematics
Repsol Technology Lab
Paseo de Extremadura, Km 18
Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
NEWS (Jun-2022): I lead the work package on digitalisation and renewable energies integration in the EU Horizon project: Plastics2Olefins. I wrote the digitalisation part of the work package in the project proposal.
NEWS: Two articles on self-supervised deep learning methods for seismic data deblending and seismic data interpolation are published in the IEEE TNNLS and IEEE TGRS, respectively.
NEWS: An open access article "Computing the Wave-Kernel Matrix Functions" (with Nicholas J. Higham) published in the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. The MATLAB software and the raw data are available at my GitHub repository.
I am a Technical Advisor in Advanced Mathematics at the Repsol Technology Lab, Madrid, Spain. I contribute as a specialist in numerical methods for scientific computing. Currently, I work at the interface of computational mechanics and machine learning for applications in the oil and energy industry. Additionally, I lead the communication activities of the Advanced Mathematics discipline.
Before joining Repsol I worked nearly a decade in academics. From Sep-2016 to Aug-2018 I held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship at the School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK. Prior to that, I was an Assistant Research Professor at CIMNE Barcelona, Spain.
I graduated with a B.Tech. degree in civil engineering from IIT Guwahati, India and a Ph.D. degree in computational mechanics from UPC (BarcelonaTech), Spain. I am a native of Kerala state in southern India.
My MSCA project (FastFlowSim) focused on particle-based exponential integrators for the simulation of low viscosity incompressible flows and its efficient implementation in software. My approach is distinct from peers/colleagues in the sense that I employ analytical solutions to compute the trajectories of the particles driven by velocity and acceleration fields approximated by piecewise linear interpolants. The analytical solutions are expressed using the wave-kernel matrix functions—the numerically stable and efficient computation of which is a specific goal.
The solution to systems of second-order ordinary differential equations can be written succinctly using the wave-kernel matrix functions. These matrix functions provide a starting point from which to develop trigonometric time integrators for stiff second-order systems, to compute waves on graphs, and to analyze and control asymmetric systems prone to non-decaying vibrations.
In the past I have proposed, among other works, novel Petrov–Galerkin FEM for the numerical simulation of the convection–diffusion–reaction equation and the Helmholtz equation.
The following poem, which I learnt at school, has motivated the approach taken in my activities till date:
Climb every mountain, ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream.
A dream that will take all the love that you can give,
All the days of your life as long as you live.